Our company, Biogenysis, has developed a unique and innovative approach to producing antibodies that target specific sites on viruses. This process involves using Artificial Intelligence to identify conserved and immutable targets, which we can then analyze for linearity, accessibility by antibodies, neutralizability, and the effect of mutations.

“We aim to succeed through efficient intellectual property and licensing tactics. “IP” is akin to the inaugural flag hoisted on the moon. We employ AI technology to assist us in early drug discovery and development while ensuring thorough patent protection of our assets through multiple layers of security. Our endeavors encompass all the viruses in our repository, ensuring prompt licensing of diagnostics and therapies for patients via our collaborators, ultimately benefiting the broader community.”
-Gaurav Chandra CEO, Biogenysis
Biogenysis immunotherapeutic fully human mAb biologics portfolio

* Biogenysiss Immunotherapeutics Platform offers the potential vaccine / therapy.
For more information on our services and research projects, please click here to submit an enquiry.