like-icon -ArticlesDrugs and Droids-Harnessing the Potential of AI in Drug Discovery September 27, 2023Read more
like-icon -NewsEnzolytics, Inc. announces the execution of the binding business combination agreement for the sale of Biogenysis, Inc. (“BGEN”) and Virogentics Inc. (“VIRO”), the operating subsidiaries of Enzolytics Inc. September 18, 2023Read more
like-icon -NewsBiogenysis Inc. Announces a Collaboration with Khalpey AI Lab in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Unveiling Potential Biomarkers and Predicting the Onset or Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease June 21, 2023Read more
like-icon -NewsEnzolytics Inc. Continues Progress with Business Combination; Biogenysis Announces Team and Plans for Success April 27, 2023Read more